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Resourceful Steam Hose Solution

March 9, 2022

Some applications can be more challenging than others and require creative solutions. With over 50+ years of experience in the fluid technology field, Anderson Process has the knowledge and resources at its disposal to provide unique solutions for persistent issues.

Our customer had an FDA-rated steam hose that descended from a unit to clean the inside of a tanker truck. The hose that was used twisted and kinked without much lasting power. As you can see in the video below, the hose would collapse on itself when raised. The challenge was to find an FDA-rated, robust hose that would work for short-lived periods of steam and wouldn’t kink under use.

Our solution, shown in the picture below, was to use the PTFE Biotech Hose from Tudertechnica. The Tudertechnica PTFE Biotech hose is FDA certified, has a rugged exterior, and will work with steam for up to 30 minute periods. To make sure kinking or twisting wasn’t a possibility we used sanitary swivels to allow the hose to flex and bend normally without added stress. The sanitary swivels, which are the same type of swivels that can be found on a sanitary loading arm, provided the positioning flexibility needed for a safe hose assembly.


We are thrilled to report that the customer installed the hose and swivels and the setup is working well for them without any over-flexing/bending issues to report. Contact Anderson Process regarding your unique application today.

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