One of our customers noticed the fluid end seals on their CAT high pressure pump were leaking, but decided to keep the pump running in order to get the job done. They did not notice the internal severity of the seal leak, and without a proper maintenance schedule the seals were never changed. The end result was a crankcase filled with vegetable oil that oversaturated the gearcase oil, wearing out the crank shaft, plungers, and bearings due to lack of maintenance. In the beginning of the video you can see the pump trying to move, but unable to turn the crankshaft over. The end of the video shows what the gearcase oil and vegetable oil combination turned into.
Unfortunately this pump was beyond repair and a complete new replacement was the only option. Sometimes finishing the job can be detrimental to the equipment, and lack of regular maintenance can turn simple repairs into full-blown failure.
Anderson Process can help you repair the pump before catastrophic failure. Our full-service repair center is capable of everything from minor repairs and maintenance to complete overhauls and refurbishment. Our experienced Territory Managers can also walk your facility and help you set up a Preventative Maintenance Program for your equipment.