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Definox specializes in industrial valves and is a recognized expert in addressing the challenges of product quality. The company is dedicated to meeting the key concerns of its clients, with a strong focus on expertise, environmental responsibility, safety, and hygiene. These four essential principles guide Definox’s daily operations and are relevant across all sectors and markets. Through both technical and educational support, Definox provides businesses with the knowledge and tools necessary for success. With the expertise and resources to serve industries such as Food, Pharmaceuticals, Baby Foods, Pet Foods, Cosmetics, and Cleaning Products, Definox offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of each client.

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Isolation Valves

Isolation Valves

Isolation valves are commonly linked to additional functions based on factors such as the type of seal (e.g., all elastomer, diaphragm, or metal-to-metal), their intended purpose (e.g., sampling, regulation, or protection of other components), and the specific environment in which they are deployed (e.g., aseptic, explosive). The primary function of isolation valves is to completely shut off the liquid flow, effectively isolating either an entire pipeline or a section of the fluid flow process. When selecting an isolation valve, considerations include the material required, the valve’s diameter relative to the pipeline, as well as the operating and cleaning conditions.

Divert Valves

Divert Valves

A divert valve is designed to control the direction of fluid flow. It enables the flow to be redirected either by stopping it in the upper or lower valve path or by allowing it to flow freely through both pathways. The selection of the valve body configuration depends on the layout and geometry of the process lines. The Definox valve range offers a variety of body configurations to ensure maximum versatility for different applications. For independent double plug valves, over twenty standard configurations are available, with additional stepped and three-body versions that further expand the range of possible combinations.

Mixproof Valves

Mixproof Valves

Designed to optimize production line efficiency, these single or independent double plug valves ensure maximum utilization while maintaining an optimal level of sanitary protection. The mixproof valve features an integrated leak chamber that can detect seal failures, preventing the risk of cross-contamination. Independent double plug valves facilitate the safe mixing of two different fluids. Their independent opening and closing mechanism allows for thorough cleaning of the valve without the need for disassembly, ensuring both safety and hygiene during operation.

Aseptic Valves

Aseptic Valves

Certain processes and products require strict sanitary conditions, making the use of aseptic valves essential. Definox aseptic valves are designed with either a physical barrier between the interior and exterior of the valve or an integrated system for sterilizing the valve components that come into contact with the outside environment. Options such as steam flash sterilization, alcohol barriers, and PTFE diaphragms provide a range of solutions tailored to the specific needs of different processes and products. Each variation is designed to meet the highest standards of hygiene and contamination prevention.

Sampling Valves

Sampling Valves

Sampling involves extracting a portion of liquid to assess its appearance, composition, or quality. Prior to sampling, the device used must be sterilized, typically through in-line sterilization with cleaning agents, steam flashing, or flame sterilization of the valve pathways. Often installed on tanks or filling pipes, the PEX PEAX sampling valves are designed for easy integration with various connection types. These valves are versatile, capable of handling fluids ranging from highly liquid to thick and viscous substances, ensuring reliable sampling for a wide range of applications.

Protecting Devices

Protecting Devices

It is highly recommended to install protective devices to safeguard peripheral equipment from potential damage caused by over-pressure or under-pressure during the process. These devices are designed to either relieve excess pressure or maintain the appropriate pressure levels in cases of under-pressure, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the system.

Tank Equipment

Tank Equipment

Tanks can be equipped with a variety of components or valves, tailored to their specific function, such as storage, fermentation, or blending. Valves designed for tank applications facilitate transfer operations, cleaning, and sampling. These components ensure the safety and protection of the system, whether the tank is empty or under pressure.

Regulating Valves

Regulating Valves

Regulating valves allow for precise control of output, making them ideal for applications such as managing filling levels, additive dosages, or adjusting blending temperatures. Equipped with seals, these valves can also function in isolation, enabling gradual flow adjustments to start or stop the process, minimizing fluctuations without the need for additional valves. The geometry of the valve plug is tailored to suit the specific flow rate requirements. The dedicated actuator then positions and adjusts the valve opening to maintain the desired flow rate.

Butterfly Valves

Butterfly Valves

Butterfly valves are widely used in various process applications and auxiliary fluid systems. They feature an efficient hygienic design, thanks to the geometry of their non-retention zone components and the latest generation seals. Butterfly valves are valued for their versatility, cost-effectiveness, and space-saving properties, making them a popular choice in many industrial applications.

Controlling and Signaling

Controlling and Signaling

The selection of equipment for control and signaling depends on the overall system, the required safety level, and the necessary feedback. Definox control tops provide remote control and operation of valves, offering real-time alerts for any potential malfunctions, enabling immediate intervention. The latest generation of control tops from Definox incorporates cutting-edge technologies, ensuring advanced interconnectivity and enhanced features. Additionally, Definox valves are compatible with various simple signaling devices for flexible integration into different systems.

Pigging Systems

Pigging Systems

During the transfer cycle, production lines can accumulate significant amounts of residual product. The pig is propelled through the pipeline by a fluid to clear the remaining product. The STARMOTION pigging solutions are modular and can be easily adapted to various process types. For specialized environments or applications requiring custom configurations (such as double-envelope versions or double pig setups), Definox offers highly personalized solutions, tailored to the customer’s specific requirements, with nearly infinite possibilities for customization.

Manifold or Valve Fitting Assemblies

Manifold or Valve Fitting Assemblies

Valve manifolds are crucial components for flow management, serving as the connection between treatment equipment, storage or processing areas, and cleaning stations. They play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation and control of fluid transfer throughout the system.

Injection Systems

Injection Systems

To meet consumer demand, manufactured products are available in countless variations with an increasing range of features, colors, and flavors. The injection of concentrated flavors or colorants into the base product is a common practice, and these often-expensive additives must be dosed with precision. The Starwheel and Starmanifold injection systems simplify this process. By injecting additives during the transfer phases, batch creation becomes more efficient, and the production of variants is expedited. This leads to optimized productivity on the production lines.

Isolation Valves

Isolation Valves

Isolation valves are commonly linked to additional functions based on factors such as the type of seal (e.g., all elastomer, diaphragm, or metal-to-metal), their intended purpose (e.g., sampling, regulation, or protection of other components), and the specific environment in which they are deployed (e.g., aseptic, explosive). The primary function of isolation valves is to completely shut off the liquid flow, effectively isolating either an entire pipeline or a section of the fluid flow process. When selecting an isolation valve, considerations include the material required, the valve’s diameter relative to the pipeline, as well as the operating and cleaning conditions.

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Divert Valves

Divert Valves

A divert valve is designed to control the direction of fluid flow. It enables the flow to be redirected either by stopping it in the upper or lower valve path or by allowing it to flow freely through both pathways. The selection of the valve body configuration depends on the layout and geometry of the process lines. The Definox valve range offers a variety of body configurations to ensure maximum versatility for different applications. For independent double plug valves, over twenty standard configurations are available, with additional stepped and three-body versions that further expand the range of possible combinations.

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Mixproof Valves

Mixproof Valves

Designed to optimize production line efficiency, these single or independent double plug valves ensure maximum utilization while maintaining an optimal level of sanitary protection. The mixproof valve features an integrated leak chamber that can detect seal failures, preventing the risk of cross-contamination. Independent double plug valves facilitate the safe mixing of two different fluids. Their independent opening and closing mechanism allows for thorough cleaning of the valve without the need for disassembly, ensuring both safety and hygiene during operation.

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Aseptic Valves

Aseptic Valves

Certain processes and products require strict sanitary conditions, making the use of aseptic valves essential. Definox aseptic valves are designed with either a physical barrier between the interior and exterior of the valve or an integrated system for sterilizing the valve components that come into contact with the outside environment. Options such as steam flash sterilization, alcohol barriers, and PTFE diaphragms provide a range of solutions tailored to the specific needs of different processes and products. Each variation is designed to meet the highest standards of hygiene and contamination prevention.

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Sampling Valves

Sampling Valves

Sampling involves extracting a portion of liquid to assess its appearance, composition, or quality. Prior to sampling, the device used must be sterilized, typically through in-line sterilization with cleaning agents, steam flashing, or flame sterilization of the valve pathways. Often installed on tanks or filling pipes, the PEX PEAX sampling valves are designed for easy integration with various connection types. These valves are versatile, capable of handling fluids ranging from highly liquid to thick and viscous substances, ensuring reliable sampling for a wide range of applications.

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Protecting Devices

Protecting Devices

It is highly recommended to install protective devices to safeguard peripheral equipment from potential damage caused by over-pressure or under-pressure during the process. These devices are designed to either relieve excess pressure or maintain the appropriate pressure levels in cases of under-pressure, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the system.

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Tank Equipment

Tank Equipment

Tanks can be equipped with a variety of components or valves, tailored to their specific function, such as storage, fermentation, or blending. Valves designed for tank applications facilitate transfer operations, cleaning, and sampling. These components ensure the safety and protection of the system, whether the tank is empty or under pressure.

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Regulating Valves

Regulating Valves

Regulating valves allow for precise control of output, making them ideal for applications such as managing filling levels, additive dosages, or adjusting blending temperatures. Equipped with seals, these valves can also function in isolation, enabling gradual flow adjustments to start or stop the process, minimizing fluctuations without the need for additional valves. The geometry of the valve plug is tailored to suit the specific flow rate requirements. The dedicated actuator then positions and adjusts the valve opening to maintain the desired flow rate.

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Butterfly Valves

Butterfly Valves

Butterfly valves are widely used in various process applications and auxiliary fluid systems. They feature an efficient hygienic design, thanks to the geometry of their non-retention zone components and the latest generation seals. Butterfly valves are valued for their versatility, cost-effectiveness, and space-saving properties, making them a popular choice in many industrial applications.

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Controlling and Signaling

Controlling and Signaling

The selection of equipment for control and signaling depends on the overall system, the required safety level, and the necessary feedback. Definox control tops provide remote control and operation of valves, offering real-time alerts for any potential malfunctions, enabling immediate intervention. The latest generation of control tops from Definox incorporates cutting-edge technologies, ensuring advanced interconnectivity and enhanced features. Additionally, Definox valves are compatible with various simple signaling devices for flexible integration into different systems.

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Pigging Systems

Pigging Systems

During the transfer cycle, production lines can accumulate significant amounts of residual product. The pig is propelled through the pipeline by a fluid to clear the remaining product. The STARMOTION pigging solutions are modular and can be easily adapted to various process types. For specialized environments or applications requiring custom configurations (such as double-envelope versions or double pig setups), Definox offers highly personalized solutions, tailored to the customer’s specific requirements, with nearly infinite possibilities for customization.

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Manifold or Valve Fitting Assemblies

Manifold or Valve Fitting Assemblies

Valve manifolds are crucial components for flow management, serving as the connection between treatment equipment, storage or processing areas, and cleaning stations. They play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation and control of fluid transfer throughout the system.

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Injection Systems

Injection Systems

To meet consumer demand, manufactured products are available in countless variations with an increasing range of features, colors, and flavors. The injection of concentrated flavors or colorants into the base product is a common practice, and these often-expensive additives must be dosed with precision. The Starwheel and Starmanifold injection systems simplify this process. By injecting additives during the transfer phases, batch creation becomes more efficient, and the production of variants is expedited. This leads to optimized productivity on the production lines.

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